
Training For The Naga (North American Grapplers Assoc)

With only five to six weeks out from the Naga and several people competing, we're forced to attempt to bring on the fastest adaptation possible. So we're doing sprints for 45 seconds, then resting 4 minutes.

Everyone was above average on conditioning so we switched the rest interval to 3 minutes. 

Again, we need to perform this twice a week for it to really work. Once is like taking one step forward, one step backward because to much rest took place between training sessions.

Every week we'll reduce the rest intervals by 15 seconds. This will bring about the adaptation we're seeking, which is removing waste by-products so you don't gas out on the mat.

Here's the video from the training session. It's a little boring, so I'll work on making these more entertaining.

As soon as the training session ends, we need to get out of the catabolic environment that the training put us in. Like I mentioned at the park, while training, stress hormones are rising and androgens are slowly lowering. We want to lower cortisol (the main stress hormone that's been raised) and replenish amino acids as quick as possible. The best way to do this is with a liquid meal (protein shake). Minimal digestion is required, so you replenish the amino acids and glucose / glycogen much faster than a solid meal.

If your body fat isn't below 10% (I can check this for you with skin fold measurements), you'll need about .66 grams times body weight along with glutamine. If you're under 10% body fat, insulin is your friend, so you'd get about a 2 to 1 ratio of carbs to protein.

We want to pick a protein powder that doesn't have artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, neotame, splenda. These are neuro-toxic and also bad for your liver. I like Designs For Health's Whey Cool or Jay Rob's. Designs For Health is kinda pricey, so for the tournament, I'll see about getting it for you a whole sale cost.

Stay posted for more videos and tips on training and nutrition.