
MMA Fighter Cliff Oneal And His Rode To The Ultimate Fighter Show

Cliff is getting ready for try outs for the next season of "The Ultimate Fighter" show. Right now he's about four weeks out from the initial try out.

We had to see where he predominantly stores his body fat so I could put him on the right diet for him, and we had to see where he was in regards to conditioning so I had him do a death circuit.

4 sets of 12 reps (or best with chin ups) with 60 seconds rest between exercises and 90 seconds rest between circuits. We did

  • Barbell Back Squats
  • Neutral Grip Chins
  • Dumbbell Reverse Lunge Off Podium
  • Body Weight Dips

Check out the video!

Stay tuned for more great videos as well as Cliff's rode to the Ultimate Fighter Show!