"Nothing happens till something moves"
Albert Einstein
When Einstein spoke these words it was said that he had a twinkle in his eye. He wasn't just talking about physics but about life in general.
I've pondered this idea often lately and I can't think of anything currently going on in my life where it doesn't apply. If you think about it in regards to the fighting sports it really makes sense. If you're stalling or waiting for your opponent to act, most likely you'll be defending more than attacking. Like the saying goes, "the best defense is a good offense". I've noticed from my own experience that as long as I'm moving I'm better off than just sitting there. Perhaps this is common sense to most people and I'll admit, it's certainly not rocket science. But I'm often surprised how people can know something but still seem powerless to change what they know.
Last week during a jiu jitsu class I got choked out from a guy I can usually beat. He used my own gi. I got pissed off and complained about how much I hate the gi. I was tired and instead of moving and making my opponent play defense, I let him control the match and cried about it like a little bitch after getting my ass kicked. My point, if not obvious is, own up and control the situation you're in. Don't let you circumstances control you. Whenever I feel tired and don't want to go the extra mile I think about the people out there creating the life they want through hard work and persistence. These are the people I admire and want to emulate. We are our own worst enemies and are usually the one's standing in our way own way.
Get out of your way.
Chris Grayson